Peru wucieczka z Rek Trvel

“Machu Picchu and Inti Raymi” 2024/2025

16 dni
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Cena $3695

Cena zawiera

  • Zakwaterowanie w hotelach o wysokim standardzie turystycznym w pokojach dwuosobowych.
  • Śniadania.
  • 5 obiadów.
    Transfery z/na lotnisko.
  • Opłaty za bagaż.
  • Koszt biletu lokalnego na trasie Lima-Cusco oraz Cusco-Lima.
  • Bilet na pociąg do Machu Picchu.
  • Obsługa przewodnika mówiącego po polsku na całej trasie wycieczki
  • Obsługa lokalnych przewodników.
  • Transport.
  • Zwiedzanie Limy.
  • Bilet na uczestnictwo w obchodach Inti Raymi.
  • Bilet wstępu do katedry w Limie.
  • Zwiedzanie Świętej Doliny Inków.
  • Bilet wstępu do Salineras de Maras.
  • Bilet na pociąg. Bilet wstępu do Machu Picchu.
  • Bilet wstępu na Huaynapicchu.
  • Zwiedzanie Góry Tęczowej Palcoyo.
  • Bilet wstępu do Gór Tęczowych.
  • Zwiedzanie Sacayhuaman.

Cena nie zawiera

  • Kosztu międzynarodowych biletów lotniczych.
  • Wyżywienia niewymienionego w programie.
  • Zwyczajowych napiwków i wydatków natury osobistej.
  • Koszt przelotu nad liniami Nazca.
  • Travel insurance.

Dances, feasts, and the procession of the mummy, or the greatest festival of the Inca Empire. We’re talking about the Inca festival of Inti Raymi, the Festival of the Sun, which some compare to our New Year… Join us during the festival and discover the charms of Machu Picchu precisely during this most popular time…


Kultura i historia


Plan podróży


Departure to Lima

We will begin our adventure to Peru and Machu Picchu with passport and baggage check-in and a flight to Lima. Depending on our arrival time, we will either check into a hotel for the night or take a drive along the famous Miraflores district, blending traditional and modern influences.



After breakfast, we will head to the center of Lima. We will visit the “heart of the old town” – Plaza Mayor, along with the Presidential Palace, City Hall, Cathedral, and Archbishop’s Palace.

Next, we’ll visit the Trans-Andean Railway Station, whose project was co-created by engineer Ernest Malinowski. We’ll also see the Church and Monastery of the Franciscans.

After lunch at a traditional Peruvian restaurant, we’ll take a stroll through the famous Miraflores district. Here, you’ll find hotels, restaurants, bars, and charming cafes.

Dinner and overnight stay in Miraflores district.



After breakfast, we will head south along the famous Pan-American Highway towards the southern coast of Peru.

We will stop in Paracas, a small town serving as a gateway to two of the region’s biggest attractions: the Islas Ballestas and the Paracas National Reserve. In the Paracas Reserve, with a bit of luck, we will see flamingos, penguins, pelicans, cormorants, and sea lions.

Accommodation and overnight stay in Nazca.



After breakfast, we will delve into the history of the Nazca Lines, the geoglyphs inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. The famous Nazca Lines consist of over 70 different figures and about 10,000 lines of impressive size.

For those interested, there will be an opportunity for a flight over the Nazca Lines by light aircraft to see this greatest of archaeological mysteries from a completely different perspective.

Accommodation and overnight stay in Arequipa.



After breakfast, we will explore the White City (La Ciudad Blanca). We will visit the Archaeological Museum, which houses the best-preserved mummy in the world. We will also visit the Santa Catalina Monastery and take a stroll around the main square of the city, Plaza de Armas. Later, we will head to a viewpoint overlooking Arequipa, known as Yanahuara.

After a full day of exploration, you will have free time for shopping or strolling through the narrow streets of Arequipa.

Overnight stay in Arequipa.


Kanion Colca

After breakfast, we will head towards the Colca River Canyon. Along the way, we will visit the small town of Chivay, surrounded by the most impressive ancient terraces in South America.

In the afternoon, we will arrive at the picturesque town of Yanque, where we will spend the night in a hotel. For those interested, there will be an option for dinner and a walk around the area with views of the Colca Valley.


Kanion Colca

After breakfast, we will drive along the Colca River Canyon. We will admire the landscapes and beauty of the world’s deepest canyon from various viewpoints called “Miradores.” With a bit of luck, we may see the Andean condor in its natural habitat.

Around noon, we will head towards Puno, a city on the coast of Lake Titicaca. Upon arrival, we will check into our hotel and spend the night in Puno.


Lake Titicaca

After breakfast, we will embark on a fascinating excursion on the remarkable Lake Titicaca, which belongs to both Peru and Bolivia.

We will take a boat trip to the Uros Islands and Taquile Island, where we will learn about the traditions, beliefs, and culture of their inhabitants. We will listen to the local language and see hand-embroidered table runners.

Later, we will enjoy lunch while admiring Lake Titicaca, and in the late afternoon, we will return to Puno. Here, we will check into our accommodation for the night.



After breakfast, we will head towards Cusco to embark on a trekking adventure in the nearby Rainbow Mountains of Palcoyo. The stunning views and experiences will surely compensate for the effort and early wake-up.

After a day full of challenges, we will check into our hotel in Cusco for some well-deserved rest.



After breakfast, we will head towards the town of Pisac. Along the way, we will stop at the Taray viewpoint for some breathtaking views.

The highlight of today’s itinerary will be the Inca ruins of Sacsayhuaman. It is here that the Inti Raymi festival takes place every June 24th.

We will end the day with a stroll through the streets of Cusco, known as the “navel of the Inca world.” The main square is surrounded by beautiful colonial houses with wooden balconies, and in the center stands a golden figure of the Inca ruler Pachacuti.

Overnight stay in Cusco.


Inti Raymi: Festival of the Sun

After breakfast, we will participate in the Inti Raymi celebrations – the Festival of the Sun. The festivities will begin at the Coricancha Temple and then move to the main square of Cusco, culminating with an offering to Mother Nature at the Sacsayhuaman Temple.

After such an eventful day, we will visit various attractions including the Historic Center of Cusco, the Cathedral, the Jesuit Church, Plaza De Armas, the Temple of the Sun, and the artistic district of San Blas.

Accommodation and overnight stay in Cusco.


Salineras de Maras

After breakfast, we will head to the Sacred Valley of the Incas. On the way, we will visit the picturesque town of Chinchero, where we will learn about the production of Andean textiles.

Our next stops on the route will be the town of Maras and the archaeological site of Moray. We will explore the remarkable salt mines of Salineras de Maras and the Inca ruins in the town of Ollantaytambo.

Then, we will take a train to Aguas Calientes, from which Machu Picchu is only a short distance away.

Overnight stay in Aguas Calientes.


Machu Picchu

After breakfast, we will explore the mysterious Inca city and the greatest attraction of Peru – the ruins of Machu Picchu.

In the afternoon, we will return to Aguas Calientes for lunch. We will also have the opportunity to participate in a tasting of a local drink called chicha. During the tasting, we will learn about the secrets of producing this corn-based beverage.

In the evening, we will return to Cusco for overnight stay.

Machu Picchu


The Rainbow Mountain

Today we have an early wake-up call to reach the town of Cusipata before sunrise. From there, we will start a two-hour trek to a viewpoint to admire the sunrise, this time on the Rainbow Mountain.

In the afternoon, we will return to Cusco, where you will have free time.




Today we are approaching the end of our journey. It’s time for one last stroll through the former Inca capital.

We will visit the local mercado (market) to buy some final souvenirs and taste local delicacies. Then, we will transfer to the airport in Cusco for our flight to Lima.

We invite you to take advantage of other tours offered by Rek Travel Adventure. Perhaps this time, Colombia?

Machu Picchu and “Inti Raymi” 2024. Youth expedition.

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15 dni

Trasa wybranej wycieczki

Firma nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za stracone mienie klienta w wyniku włamania, kradzieży, zgubienia itp. nie ponosimy również odpowiedzialności za straty klienta w motelach. Firma Rek Travel zastrzega sobie prawo do zmiany programu, dyktowanych okolicznościami niezależnymi od niej. Klient zobowiązany jest do przestrzegania regulaminu wycieczki. Uczestnicy wycieczki ubezpieczeni są zgodnie z wymogami amerykańskiego Departamentu Transportu na łączną kwotę $5000.000 (polisa do wglądu na życzenie klienta). Za dodatkową opłatą uczestnicy mogą ubezpieczyć się na wypadek leczenia szpitalnego i ambulatoryjnego schorzeń nabytych w trakcie wycieczki oraz nieszczęśliwych wypadków w obiektach zwiedzanych (wszelkie informacje w biurze).

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